Eye Care EducationAll About PRK

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All About PRK
PRK, photorefractive keratectomy, was the first type of laser vision correction procedure approved by the FDA to reshape the cornea, helping patients see more clearly without glasses or contact lenses.


What PRK Helps Correct:

  • Nearsightedness
  • Farsightedness
  • Astigmatism


The Procedure:

  1. Your doctor gently removes your cornea’s outer (epithelial) layer to allow access to the underlying tissue
  2. The cornea is reshaped
  3. A contact lens shaped bandage is placed on the cornea to protect the eye as the epithelial cells regenerate
  4. Recovery time
  5. Clearer vision!

Possible Side Effects:
Rarely, a procedure can result in over or under correcting a prescription. Refractive surgeries also come with the risk of dry eye, which can be treated with lubricating eye drops; inflammation of the eyes after the procedure can be treated with a steroid drop.


Because the eyes need time to recover an intact outer layer on the cornea, expect to take several days off from work to recover from PRK. The best vision results will probably take longer to achieve, but most patients are able to return to non-strenuous activities after 1-2 weeks.



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Important Vision Plan Changes:

Our practice works with vision plans on an ‘open-network basis.’ As an open-access provider, we may not be contracted directly with your vision plan, including VSP, Eyemed, and Spectera, but we can provide you with services, glasses, and contacts, and submit an out-of-network claim on your behalf. For questions, please contact our Anagram Information Specialist at (720) 466-1245.

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