Our Dedicated Patient Accounts Team Is Here to Assist You.
Thank you for trusting us with your vision; we truly appreciate it. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your account, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our patient accounts team.
Our dedicated patient accounts team is here to assist you and ensure that all your billing inquiries are resolved quickly and efficiently. We sincerely thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and thank you for your patience regarding your account.
If your call goes unanswered, please leave us a voicemail, please leave a detailed message with your first & last name, date of birth, and best return phone number.
If you would like to make a payment now, please click this button.
A billing specialist will be in contact with you within 7 business days.
If you would like to send our team a message, please fill out this form. Our team will contact you within 7 business days of your inquiry.
Eye Center of Northern Colorado is a full-service eye care provider with optometrists, ophthalmologists, and opticians on staff. We are dedicated to supporting your vision goals and increasing access to specialty eye care.
© 2024 | Eye Center of Northern Colorado
Our practice works with vision plans on an ‘open-network basis.’ As an open-access provider, we may not be contracted directly with your vision plan, including VSP, Eyemed, and Spectera, but we can provide you with services, glasses, and contacts, and submit an out-of-network claim on your behalf. For questions, please contact our Anagram Information Specialist at (720) 466-1245.